Type In Haskell Some Good Taste In Your Mouth
Type in Haskell : Some good taste in your mouth
1. Taste the haskell static type system
Because haskell is a purely language, all computation are done via eval expressions and yeild values. And haskell is a strong typed language, every value has an associated type.Just like expressions denote values, type expressions denote type values(just types).
All haskell values are first class, but types are not. Types are used to describe values, the association of a value with its type is called a typing. For example, check the type of some value in GHCi:
"::" can be read as "has this type".
Haskell is a static typed system. If you mismatch types in some way. The haskell compiler will detect that, and the error will not flow into the runtime level. For example, when you add two character using '+':
<interactive>:746:1-9: error:
• No instance for (Num Char) arising from a use of ‘+’
• In the expression: 'a' + 'b'
In an equation for ‘it’: it = 'a' + 'b'
the error message tell that '+' expect Num type parameter, but receive a Char type.
2. Haskell polymorphic types
Polymorphic type essentially describe families of types. For example, [a] describe a family of types, which spoke the sentence: "Oh, this is a type family which contain character list([Char]), number list([Num]), …… and what so ever list of the single type you can find in haskell."
A very good example, the following is a function to get the length of a haskell list:
getlen [] = 0
getlen (x:xs) = 1 + getlen xs
> getlen [1,2,3]
> getlen []
now check the type of getlen function:
>:t getlen
getlen :: Num p => [a] -> p
When we define the function, we do not explictly tell what the type this function is; But after compile it, the compiler automatically inferred the type for us, let read the type out:
“genlen is a function of following type, give a list of any type, return a value of Num type”
Yes, genlen really eat a list and return the length of the list; In haskell, an expression's or function's principal type is the general type that, intuitively , "contains all the instances of the expression".
3. Define your own type in haskell
See the most simple type Bool, Bool type is defined as:
data Bool = False | True
"Bool" is type constructor and "False" and "True" are data constructor. We define a new type TrafficLight represent a traffic light standing in a cross road:
data TrafficLight = Red | Yellow | Green
Like Bool, TrafficLight is enumerated type, since they consist of a finite number of nullary constructor.
Here is a type with only one data constructor:
data Point a = Pt a a
Point now is a unary type constructor, from a orignal type a, it construct out a new type Point a, let's check it out:
λ> :t (Point "hjiang" "heng")
(Point "hjiang" "heng") :: Point [Char]
λ> :t (Point 10.0 11.0)
(Point 10.0 11.0) :: Fractional a => Point a
A very important distinction is that applying a data constructor to yeild a value and applying a type constructor to yeild a type. data construct happen at running time, but type construction happen at compile-time, ensuring the type safety.
3.1 define recursive type in haskell
Look at a simple list [1,2,3], it can be treat as 1:[2,3]; and [2,3] can be treat as 2:[3]; [3] can be seen as 3:[]. Finally, [1,2,3] is just 1:2:3:[]. This process of list construction is a recursive process;
data MyList a = Empty | Cons a (MyList a)
Now let's implement the hello-world data structure in Haskell, binary tree:
type BiTree a = Empty | BiNode a (BiTree a) (BiTree a)
The BiTree type have two data constructor:
- Empty, a nullary data constructor, construct an empty node, with nothing in it
- Node, construct a node with some data and two sub trees, one left and one right;
Check the type of two data constructor:
λ> :t Empty
Empty :: BiTree a
λ> :t BiNode
BiNode :: a -> BiTree a -> BiTree a -> BiTree a
BiNode is a function take an element of type 'a' and Two Subtree with the type 'a'; construct a new tree with type 'a'.
4. List comprehensions
As a Lisp dialects, lists are pervasive in Haskell, and more syntatic sugar to aid in their creation. list comprehension is the most sweet one in these sugars.
λ> [ x + 1 | x <- [1,2,3]]
λ> [(x, y) | x <- [1,2], y <- [3,4]]
λ> [x | x <- [3,1,2,10,11], x < 10]
λ> [ x + 1 | x <- [1,2,3]]
λ> [(x, y) | x <- [1,2], y <- [3,4]]
λ> [x | x <- [3,1,2,10,11], x < 10]
We can use list comprehension to write a simple quick sort:
qsort [] = []
qsort (x:xs) = qsort [y | y <- xs, y < x]
++ [x]
++ qsort [y | y <- xs, y >= x]
Amazing, just four line of code!! Compare with your c/c++ coworkers!! Test it:
λ> qsort [3,2,1,10]
λ> qsort [5,4,3,2,1]
Yes, it really work!!!
Haskell is a magic language for me! It deserves to be hacked!