Golang build concurrent programming into its blood by goroutine, which is its killer attribute that attracts so many programmers and hackers. Now let's dig into the “concurrent patterns” emerged from golang. First and the least, let's see how to eliminate the “concurrent racing condition”!

1. Confinement by its human friend

Racing conditions happen when two or more (go :)routines visit the same piece of data at the same time. These are the most familiar conditions when deal with concurrent programming. Think about a scenario like this: when you will process 5 files each with its own goroutine, also you keep a hash table to keep each processness(finish its 50% processing, …). Within each file processing goroutine, it reports its processness into the hashtable every 100ms. Outside all the goroutines, there is a seperate goroutine reports all processness in the hash table every 100ms. We can use a graph to illustrate:

concurrent files processing

The 5 file processing goroutines and the report goroutine share the same hash table; If we do not protect reading and writing this table carefully, race condition will happend, and the whole program will crash without a trace!!

We can manually make a law to seperate the sharing data, then reduce the race condition. In the previous scenario, we can seperate the hash table into 5 small table, each goroutine has its own hash table. And the report process only read each hash table, there is no write collisions between each file process routine.

no-concurrent files processing

In the privious scenario, we have define a confinement: each goroutine store and process its own data(file and file processness). The confinement is just like a law in human societies. From some point of views, it is more strict than human law, because as a free will entry, we humans often break laws to do some breakthrough, no matter for holy or evil.

2. Confinement examples when deal with goroutines

2.1 Ad-hoc confinement

The first example:

package main

import "fmt"

var data = make([]int, 4)

func main() {
	loopData := func(handleData chan<- int) {
		defer close(handleData)
		for i := range data {
			handleData <- data[i]

	handleData := make(chan int)
	go loopData(handleData)

	for num := range handleData {

In this code snippet, data slice is only processed in loopData goroutine. No other goroutines(include main routine) can come across with him. He is well protected by his mother goroutine. This is where the most basic confinement happens: each block of data belong to its specific goroutine.

But this confinement is so weak, if some new cowboy come to your team and add other routines which access the data. The rule break and race condition come back again! So we need more restrict rules.

2.2 Lexical confinement

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
	chanOwner := func() <-chan int {
		results := make(chan int, 5)
		go func() {
			defer close(results)
			for i := 0; i <= 5; i++ {
				results <- i
		return results

	consumer := func(results <-chan int) {
		for result := range results {
			fmt.Printf("Received: %d\n", result)
		fmt.Println("Done receive!")

	results := chanOwner()

In this code snippet, data change to results channel. And results defined in the lexical scope of chanOwner function, no other goroutine can write into it.

Channel is concurrent safe by itself, now let's check some no-safe data structure:

printData := func(wg *sync.WaitGroup, data []byte) {
    defer wg.Done()

    var buff bytes.Buffer
    for _, b := range data {
			fmt.Fprintf(&buff, "%c", b)

var wg sync.WaitGroup
data := []byte("golang")
go printData(&wg, data[:3])
go printData(&wg, data[3:])


In the code snippet, we split data into two sub block: one is “gol”, other is “ang”. Each block blongs to a different routine.

C(full) = A(part) + B(part);

whatever you do in a routine has no effect on another.(also, you can split data into k parts, and k routines deal with each part)

3. Conclusion

When we can find some confinement to eliminate racing condition in concurrent programming, we need no sync primitives. The result is good performance and easy code. But sometimes it is really difficult to establish confinement, and we need some other patterns come to help!!